JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Dynamic Duo: Part IV

Here I am, glued to my laptop, presenting to you all, my dear readers...Dynamic Duo: Part 4.  I got a package from Jasmine a few weeks ago with this gorgeous Forever 21 dress. It's so perfectly floral and lightweight so definitely perfect for the hot, summer weather. We decided to pick a location for our photo shoots this time and since we both represent different coasts we picked the beach! Jasmine had the idea to copy the idea in Wongfu Production's "Together at Last" and take pictures to make it look like we were at the beach together! :)

I definitely got a slight tan that day on the beach...without any burns! My friend who went along with me wasn't so lucky though. We took a bunch of pictures and I'll post them in the next post! :)

I decided to wear this dress with my ancient peasant skirt underneath it (circa 2004). Since it was way longer than the dress I had to hold it up high, hence the suspenders. Yes, I'm wearing suspenders. They were a lot more visible than I wanted them to be but what the hey.

on me: (dress forever 21, belt delia's, skirt forever 21, suspenders borrowed from brother)
on jasmine: (dress forever 21, belt vintage purse strap, clock locket american eagle, bow h&m)

So I was thinking about this summer and I realized I set one too many goals for myself. I guess it keeps me busy though so I can't complain. I still make time to hang out with friends and earn a little side money, so I'm all set. Speaking of keeping busy, I'm gonna go get back to my work :)


  1. Oh my goodness, how cute are you guys!


  2. Aww you two are adorable! I'm loving the floral dress and the beach setting! Haha I love that heart pose!

  3. This is super cute. I love how you matched up the poses. The dress is so pretty. You guys look great!

  4. You guys are super cute and gorgeous! xxx

  5. aww jen! i think this is my favorite one yet of us! i cannot wait for more!!!!! i will search for some more things when my work schedule isn't quite so crazy :) i honestly think i just might print these out and cut them like i did in my post and post them on my wall! we could totally do a dynamic duo scrapbook hehe!

  6. The dress is lovely and I adore how your hair shines ! :)

  7. I actually really like the suspenders under that dress, The pictures are so funny and put together really well. I love this look on both of you! <3

  8. I actually really like the suspenders under that dress, The pictures are so funny and put together really well. I love this look on both of you! <3

  9. this is a lovely little feature. The dress looks great on both of you!

  10. This is so cuuute!
    I really loved the way you added the skirt underneath :D It makes the dress look more feminine .. and it's just such a nice detail!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This is so cute!!! I love how you both styled the dress. And the photo shoot idea is so creative! And Fun!

  13. this is adorable. and i love the suspenders!

  14. What a pretty outfit, and the photos are so fun!


  15. That floral dress is so pretty, and you guys are adorable! What a fun idea for the photos!

  16. You are both so adorable. I actually love the suspenders and the petticoat. The floral pattern is gorgeous and perfect for the summer.

  17. love this post dears!
    the dress is amazing and it looks perfect at those two beaches.

  18. I adore this whole entire post!! AHH, you both are so pretty and amazing! I love the dress!!

  19. What a lovely dress, and the two of you with your similar photos are so cute!

  20. Love it! The dress looks perfect in both! I have the same one but in blue, and I also posted a picture yesterday that's kinda funny! But i notice that it looks longer on you, mine was really shorter.

  21. Seriously, these pictures could not get any cuter!

  22. You two look adorable on these floral dresses. I can say I love desses like that because I have one and everytime I think about wearing a dress I'm already inside it, hahaha =)

    It seems that you had a great time taking the pictures.

    Muito Igual a Você

  23. THIS IS THE CUTEST. You know, from a far, when you're squinting a lot and maybe tilting your head to the side (don't ask), it looks like you two are REALLY at the beach together! COOLNESS.

    I set all these summer goals too, but they're pretty much on the lame side. Mostly to 1) make me feel accomplished and 2) make me not bored. Haha oh man. I need to get a life.

  24. That's so fun.

    And I love the suspenders (or braces as we would say in England). I think they actually make the outfit.

  25. What an amazing idea you've had with this post! I absolutely adore it! :o)


  26. I love the exposed suspenders!! I always set too many goals for myself and never achieve any of them, but it sounds like you're accomplishing so much!

    xo Jenny

  27. What a cute idea for your photoshoot! You both look lovely, as always!

    And how crafty with the suspenders, hehe, It's an adorable look.

    Chic on the Cheap

  28. This is a really cute post! You girls look fantastic in that floral dress! These pictures make me miss the beach.

  29. oohhhh i truly love this dynamic duo post !! you two really DID look like you went to the beach together :)

    ps* ur outfit on the prev post is to die for !!

    just wondering.. how long would it take for you to put together an outfit ?

  30. i loove your dynamic duo posts
    you both look like sisters
    hey, who knows? you might be separated at birth

    love the floral dress and the matching poses


  31. great dress and photos jen!!

  32. Lovely shots!! The last one is my favorite!! You guys look so adorable and having fun! xoxoxoxoo

  33. I love dynamic duo posts!!! you guys are too cute. i love how you layered the skirt under, even if you used suspenders! bahaha.

  34. These photos are so sweet! I love the way you both styled the dress. And I LOVE that you're wearing suspenders :P

  35. Love how you two really thought of this post, from the poses to the background :) You girls rock!!

    I love your white skirt underneath that dress. It adds a little bit of oomph to the overall look!^^

  36. This is such a fun concept, and you both look adorable in those floral dresses. <3


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