JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

Goodbye, Energy. Hello, Tylenol.

It's been quite a while since I last posted on here but forgive me. I had a group project due Wednesday, a group project due Thursday, and a final on Friday. And the cherry on top of all of that was that I was in denial that I was getting sick the whole time and now I'm sitting here with a stuffy/runny nose and heavy eyelids. It's probably the worst weekend of the semester to get sick though since I'm going into the city tonight and tomorrow. I also have finals week coming up so it's going to be hell. Technically I could always not go to the city tonight and then move my city trip tomorrow for the next week...but I've been looking forward to it for a long time so I'm going to be stubborn and tell my body to suck it up for a day.

(Coat American Rag, Sweater Vintage, Skirt Random NYC Boutique, Tights, Socks ASOS, Heels Jessica Simpson, Scarf NYC Street Vendor, Ring Urban Outfitters)

This is one of my favorite outfits I've worn recently just because it's something I would usually feel self-conscious in going from class to class to work. Over time I've noticed that I've stopped caring about what other people thought (in terms of my outfit) and that if I felt good in it then that's all that mattered.

I actually won this vintage sweater from Starr (A Thought is the Blossom) a long, long time ago and I finally got around to wearing it! It kept me cozy all day long as well as these thigh high socks. I'm also wearing the cutest ring in the world that Jasmine (Transient Withdrawal) sent over for my birthday! I never want to take it off.  :)

I'm off to pop an Advil, drink some Milk Tea, and hope that I get at least some work done before I pass out. 


  1. You look so adorable, Jen! Love those over the knee socks! And your sweater looks so cozy :)


  2. Aw, you look great! We miss you, but we understand =)

    Take care!!!


  3. FAVORITE!!! this is amazing on you. so cute Jen. I would never have thought to style the sweater like this, but it looks fantastic.

  4. YAY YOU GOT THE RING :D Wooooo! THis outfit looks so cozy! I love those socks with the tights too! It brings in a subtle pattern mix.

    Oh no you're sick too?!?! :( This is the worst weekend for us to be sick. Ughhhhh. But...HAVE FUN IN THE CITY! I'M SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!! Get better soon and good luck with finals <3 We should video chat once finals are over with!

  5. Wow, you look amazing here! This outfit is so chic. I would never have gathered you were sick from your face in these photos. I'm in the same boat as you with illness, though. I've had assignment after assignment and exams while being crazy sick. I've got finals next week, too. Good luck with yours!

  6. I love the dynamite print of your sweater. It's so cool that you can see a change in your own confidence/attitude toward what you wear and how people perceive it.

  7. this is super cute on you, jen :)
    being sick is the absolute worst - especially when you've got a lot to do. hope you recover real soon!

  8. Completely and totally in love with this, especially the sweater! That ring is also totally adorable. Eeep! I hope you feel better, and good luck with finals!!

  9. awesome layering dear!! feel better soon, ayt? :)

    Animated Confessions

  10. Good for you! You SHOULD wear what you want! That's what fashion is about, right??

  11. eeek i hope you get better soon! being sick during exams is possibly the most horrible thing in the world.

    i really like this outfit! the sweater is very cute!

  12. There is nothing worse than getting sick when you've got a million things to do. Get some rest, and get better!

    Love how you layered the dot tights, it's so cute.

    Chic on the Cheap

  13. Getting sick is awful! Especially when you have the stress of exams weighing you down. At least you look adorable =P

  14. This is something I would absolutely wear! I love skirts :3
    And you look so fab, Jen! The ring is adorable^^

    Now, go get some rest <3

    xx Sophie

  15. You look amazing! Love the overknees and the dotted thights!

    xx Marije

  16. gorgeous look and loving your sweater <3


  17. Get well soon, Jen. As always, from the top to bottom your outfits are amazing and it blends well with your good personality.

  18. Lovely tights and stockings!


  19. The ring is adorable! I love the OTK socks. I really like the coloring of the sweater, as well. I'm glad you don't feel self-conscious anymore-you shouldn't, you're beautiful!

    Lindsey Soup

  20. You look absolutely lovely in that outfit! Hope you feel better soon and survive this week ;)

  21. ugh finals are killing me too which is why i haven't posted in, like, a month. but i lovelovelove that ring, it's freakin' adorable!

  22. I love this outfit! That ring is amazing too. Love your style lady, new follower!


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