JennifHsieh is a space for my rambling thoughts and snaps of my everyday style. I'm based in Astoria, Queens and I share a home with my two derpy cats and my equally derpy fiancé.

The Start of Something New

I took these pictures with my friend Jess the other day in the nearby community college's parking lot. I expected there to be tennis courts but apparently they paved over them to make more parking spots. Oh well, I guess that's life. But in other news, I got these new Matiko wedges from Hautelook and I feel really awkward in them. When I first checked them out I thought they were pretty much the most beautiful shoes I've ever seen. On second thought, not all beauty was created with comfort and/or practicality in mind. These shoes won't get me from campus to campus without a couple of scratches and bruises.  Sorry some of my pictures are blurry as well. It was so cold outside I didn't bother checking how the pictures came out.  

(Jacket Forever 21, Chambray Shirt Gap, Cardigan Target, Skirt Urban Outfitters, Tights HUE, Wedges Matiko via Hautelook)

So I'm finally completely unpacked and I've settled back into my apartment - if only I was ready for classes to start tomorrow. I still have a bunch of books to buy and I'm getting ready to go broke. Today is probably the last day I'll get to just sit back and relax for a really long time. My roommates and I are going to spend it watching a movie and just doing absolutely nothing but bonding. :)


  1. the new wedges are absolutely stunning! love the skirt too :) x

  2. I love the color of your tights, and your skirt is adorable! I don't feel quite ready to go back tomorrow either, blah. Your plan for your last night before school starts sounds swell though :)

  3. Hehe I'm pretty sure this would've been our DD post? :) The cut out on your new wedges are so cool! And they're different from the rest of your shoes! I hope you wear them more even if they are uncomfortable! I love all your remixes lately Jen <3 Good luck with school tomorrow!

  4. Jen, those shoes are so awesome! I love that they're a totally differnt style that what you normally go for!! And they look amazing on you. I love that you paired them with an eggplant colored pair of tights.

    Here's to a great semester for ya! Hope you are well.

    xx Love & Aloha

  5. When I saw your wedges, I literally gasped. They're quite impressive. And even though no shoes are worth personal injury (don't trip and fall!), rest assured that your instincts were correct and they are indeed lovely.

  6. Oh my goodness ...those shoes are delightful! And the outfit is so laid back chic, love it all.

  7. Those shoes actually look so comfy... I can't believe they aren't! But they look amazing regardless and I love the olive paired with plum tights. You look adorable and I hope the semester is starting off well!


  8. JEN, i'm in love with your new wedges. THEY! ARE! BEAUTIFUL!

    that is all :)

  9. loveeeeeee the wedges they are really gorgeous!!!
    too bad they hurt T.T

  10. new wedges and it is so.. uhm,, delicious.. hype!

  11. Those shoes are super cute. Sucks that they're uncomfortable. :(

    Follow @UnraveldTreads on Twitter!

  12. Those wedges are sooooo cool!!! Too bad they aren't comfy though :(

  13. what a amazing wedges!

    you look great as usual =)


  14. aww I hate when that happens :( but at least they look amazing!!

  15. I'm still too wimpy to try the colored tights though I've been wanting to forever! Love your shoes too!

  16. Eeep! Loving those tights and those epic (uncomfey, gerr) wedges!!

  17. can I have your wedges, pretty please? :) :) Love how the grey contrasts with the burgundy tights :)

  18. Ah! I absolutely love your wedges!! You look amazing - as always. xo


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